Hitofude, our winter knitalong sweater.
A Taste of Fall
It still may be toasty outside, but inside the store we’re getting set up for fall. Cory Ellen Boberg of Indie.Knits is putting the finishing touches on a brand-new design our fall knitalong sweater (more on that coming soon!) Meanwhile, stock arrives almost daily. Yesterday we received a new shipment of Good Company Wares totes and bucket baskets. They’re made in Portland and feature extra-sturdy canvas and leather handles. The day before, we received Villa, a sister yarn to the much-admired Vail, a slinky and soft alpaca-bamboo blend. While...
New In The Store
We have lots of exciting new products in the store this summer. In addition to Spincycle yarns (see post below), we have other new yarns. CoBaSi DK is a pretty and practical summer yarn that contains no wool. Its fiber content, as the name implies, includes cotton, bamboo and silk, as well as a little nylon for strength. Just for fun we’ve added Abracadabra (above), a yarn that changes color in the sunlight. Indoors it appears white. Outside it is either pink or purple. Surprise those you meet with...
Spincycle Yarns On The Way
We’re excited to announce that we’ll soon be carrying Spincycle Yarns! This Bellingham-based company features yarns sourced in the USA. Best of all, they’re spun and dyed locally. The two-woman team that runs Spincycle contracts with a mother-daughter partnership on Camano Island to spin the yarn in their micro-mill. All of their lovely yarns are dyed in the wool, so each is just a little bit unique. To start, we’ll be carrying two Spincycle yarns: Dyed In The Wool, a sport weight, and Knit Fast, Die Young, a deliciously...
Annual Sample Sale
Have you ever admired our knitted and crocheted samples here at the shop and wish you could just buy them “off the rack”? Well, we’ve saved dozens of samples that use discontinued yarn or patterns and are putting them on sale for you this Saturday! Most are in children’s sizes or women’s size Small. These samples will be priced to move, so visit us Friday, June 27 during the Greenwood Car Show (see below) and find yourself some great items. Meanwhile, the car show is gearing up to be...
Exclusive Hazel Knits Colorway
What could be better than an original pattern for this week’s LYS Tour? How about an original color? We have both. The Camas Hat, above, is a new design from Cory Ellen Boberg at Indi.Knits that we’re debuting as a freebie during the tour. It’s shown in the Phinney Ridge color of Hazel Knits Cadence. The color was developed by Hazel Knits especially for us during the tour, and we’re thrilled. A complex mix of blue-green tones combines in a delightful teal color. If you’re not much of a...
Prizes and Surprises at LYS Tour
The 10th Annual Local Yarn Shop Tour kicks off Wednesday and runs through Sunday. We will be one of 26 stores from Bellingham to Port Townsend to Kent participating in the tour this year. Visit some or all of the stores and receive free, exclusive patterns, enter daily prize drawings, and receive a unique commemorative button at each location. The Fiber Gallery is also excited to announce that our pattern will feature a custom colorway designed for us from Hazel Knits. The Phinney Ridge color in worsted-weight Cadence yarn...
Fiber Artist Featured at Art Walk
Fiber artist Maile Jones will be featured at the Fiber Gallery this weekend during the 20th annual PhinneyWood Art Walk. She’ll be among more than 100 artists participating Friday May 8 from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday May 9 from noon to 5 p.m. Jones will be showing pieces from her River Series, as well as the storms and fires of nature, painted on rug canvas in wool fabric, roving, handspun yarn, dyed locks and sari silk. More information about Jones’ work, as well as that of the...
Robin Knitalong Continues
Our Spring/Summer Knitalong features the versatile and fun to knit Robin Shawl. Portland-based Lee Meredith is the designer of this multicolor project. Our sample features Folio yarn from Berroco, a light and soft blend of rayon and alpaca. The pattern is flexible, however, and you can substitute any DK-weight yarn or even your own choice of weight. You can make it in three colors or two. And because the shawl is knit from the bottom point upwards, you can knit until your project is the size you want (or...
Spring and Summer Classes
Have you checked out our latest newsletter? We have a full schedule of classes, groups, and our upcoming Robin Shawl knitalong. New this summer: One-hour mini-classes on subjects such as short rows, cabling and reading charts. Our full class schedule is...